Behind the Scenes: Editing

Second to my shooting style, editing is the key in my opinion. It's my favorite part of the process.
Before becoming a photographer, I had no idea how much work was put into the photo processing. Any photographers that read this can relate, but for those that don't know, here is a little behind the scenes - the Bumble way.

Most don't know that I'm self taught. No professional training - everything I know was learned by reading, watching and communicating with great photographers, some that can be found in my inspiration tab above. Some photographers are "hush hush" about tips but there are the few, like the incredible Lindsay Horn, who helped me along the way. She is awesome to say the least and her work is incredible. I can say that here because she's hundreds of miles away in Texas. ;)
I strictly use PhotoshopCS3 for editing for Bumble images and am in the process of switching to PhotoshopCS5 (woohoo!). If you follow Bumble at all, you'll see that I love light, colorful images and my style varies from vintage/soft to bold colors. I love them both, so why choose one or the other?
I am always learning new things, this being the case because Photoshop is a software offering endless techniques.

You see the end result on the Facebook page, web-site or blog... but I'm going to let you in on some 'before' images. First time I'm ever showing these to the outside world. :)

Now you see why you would use a professional photographer. Photographing is one thing, but post processing is the icing on the cake. What good is the cake without the icing? :) Not as sweet, that's for sure.
More behind the scenes to come!


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