Mini Session - Sofia is turning ONE

Quick mini session was on the agenda for my niece, Sofia. She is the sweet baby with long eyelashes, bright smiles and a very loud voice. :) Reminds me of her Mama but stubborn like her Grandma.

Being an Auntie is the best of both worlds. You can "mother" them, spoil them rotten, give them Diet Coke behind their mom's back and cuddle them but the minute they get cranky, off to mom they go.

I photographed her birth...
(That's me in the center photo, holding her minutes after she was born... hair uncombed, sleepy eyes but a proud Aunt!)
Now, that sweet baby is walking and running, trying to talk and getting into mischief. Photographing her laughing, running and drooling makes this heart smile.

 Happy Birthday to Sofia!


Laughter is the best medicine

The most wasted of all days is one without laughter.  ~e.e. cummings

Strange things happen often in this "town" called Orange County, but I never seem to have my camera in hand to document it... today was not one of those days. Luckily I was in the middle of a session, camera in hand. This sweet little lady walked up to us and asked if we wanted to join them, a group laughing and jumping around. She went on to describe what they were doing and how much it helps their health, all while grinning from ear to ear.... She turned to leave and the back of her shirt made me smile.

Laughter is contagious... I did have a good laugh but didn't have to join the club! lol
